Percentage Calculator

Percentage Calculator is a free online tool that helps you easily calculate percentages.

What is X% of Y?

X is what percent of Y?

What is the percentage increase/decrease from X to Y?

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Percentage Calculator

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Percentage Calculator

Percentage Calculator

The Percentage Calculator is a powerful online tool designed to help users easily perform various percentage calculations. With its user-friendly interface, the Percentage Calculator offers a range of functions to solve different percentage problems quickly and accurately. Whether you need to calculate percentages, determine percentage increases or decreases, or find what percentage one number is of another, this Percentage Calculator is ideal for everyday use in academic, business, and financial contexts. The Percentage Calculator simplifies complex calculations, making it accessible to everyone. Whether you’re working on school assignments or business calculations, this tool is perfect for handling all your percentage-related needs. The Percentage Calculator ensures that you can achieve accurate results in a matter of seconds.

Key Features of the Percentage Calculator

What is X% of Y?

This function allows users to calculate what X% of a given number Y is using the Percentage Calculator. For example, if you want to find 20% of 200, the Percentage Calculator will show you the result, which in this case would be 40. This is useful for situations like determining discounts, tax calculations, or calculating interest. The Percentage Calculator makes these tasks simple and quick, allowing you to get accurate results instantly.

X is what percent of Y?

Another useful feature of the Percentage Calculator is the ability to determine what percentage X is of Y. For instance, if you have a score of 80 out of 200 and want to know what percentage that represents, the Percentage Calculator will quickly give you the percentage (in this case, 40%). This is commonly used in educational contexts, such as determining exam scores, or in financial scenarios to calculate profit margins or growth percentages. The Percentage Calculator simplifies these calculations, ensuring you get accurate results with ease.

Percentage Increase/Decrease

The Percentage Calculator also provides a function to calculate the percentage increase or decrease between two numbers. For example, if a price goes from $100 to $120, the Percentage Calculator will determine that there is a 20% increase. Conversely, if a price drops from $120 to $100, it will show a 16.67% decrease. This is particularly helpful in business for tracking sales growth, comparing performance over time, or monitoring changes in market prices. The Percentage Calculator makes it easy to track these fluctuations, offering quick and accurate results.

Use Cases of the Percentage Calculator

Financial Planning

The Percentage Calculator is a valuable tool for individuals and businesses managing budgets, investments, and expenses. It helps users easily calculate taxes, tips, discounts, or calculate returns on investments.

Academic Use

Students and educators can use the Percentage Calculator to quickly calculate grades, conversion of scores to percentages, or even understand statistical data.

Retail and Sales

Retailers often use the percentage calculator to apply discounts, calculate sales tax, or adjust prices during promotions or seasonal sales.

Personal Use

Whether you’re calculating a tip at a restaurant, figuring out a student’s exam percentage, or working out the percentage change in the value of a commodity, this tool simplifies everyday calculations. The Percentage Calculator is designed to make these tasks easy, providing quick and accurate results for all your percentage-related needs.

Formula Explanations of Percentage Calculator

What is X% of Y?

. This formula multiplies the percentage (X) by the value (Y) and divides by 100 to give the correct result. The Percentage Calculator uses this formula to quickly compute the desired percentage of a given number.

X is what percent of Y?

Formula: Result = XY×100\frac{X}{Y} \times 100. This formula calculates what percentage X is of Y by dividing X by Y and multiplying by 100. The Percentage Calculator uses this formula to help you easily find the percentage of one number in relation to another.

Percentage Increase/Decrease

Formula: Percentage Change = New Value−Old ValueOld Value×100\frac{\text{New Value} – \text{Old Value}}{\text{Old Value}} \times 100. In this percentage calculator, this formula determines the percentage change from an old value to a new value. If the new value is greater than the old value, it indicates a percentage increase; if it’s smaller, it shows a percentage decrease. The Percentage Calculator uses this formula to easily calculate the percentage change between two values. Whether you’re tracking sales growth or price fluctuations, this formula helps you determine the exact percentage change. The Percentage Calculator simplifies these calculations, making it quick and easy to determine percentage increases or decreases with this formula.


The Percentage Calculator is an essential tool that simplifies percentage-related calculations, making it an indispensable asset in personal, academic, and professional settings. With its ability to solve a variety of problems—whether it’s calculating a percentage of a number, determining what percentage one value is of another, or calculating percentage changes—the Percentage Calculator can handle any task efficiently. By understanding the core functions and formulas behind the Percentage Calculator, users can confidently make informed decisions in their daily tasks.

At, our primary mission is to deliver quick, reliable, and user-friendly online calculators for a wide range of needs. With nearly 200 calculators currently available, we offer tools for various fields such as finance, fitness, health, mathematics, and more – with additional calculators being developed regularly. We aim to be your ultimate resource for fast and easy calculations.

Believing that access to information should be free, we ensure all of our tools and resources are completely available at no cost and without the need for registration.

Each calculator is carefully crafted and rigorously tested for accuracy. However, if you spot any discrepancies, please let us know, as your feedback is highly appreciated. While many of our calculators are designed for global use, some are tailored to specific regions, like the Income Tax Calculator, which is intended for users in the United States only.

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